Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mommy's Hair Towel

I know, I know, but Daddy thought it would be funny. I can't believe I let him put it on my head. Luckily my Mommy needed it back so it was only for a minute. Don't I look pretty though!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Just Hanging with Dad

Daddy showed me how to play NCAA Football on the PlayStation today! I haven't gotten all the moves down, but the control tastes GREAT!

Friday, November 14, 2008


Thank goodness! My Mommy and Daddy are holding off on the MRI for now. They talked to a few people and they all think its silly to pay thousands of dollars for something that has a .9% chance of finding anything. I'm just glad I don't have to be still that long!!! Mommy says she will keep you posted if anything changes.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Diaper Box Derby

I wasn't so sure what to think when my Mommy and Daddy put me inside my diaper box.

But after a few pushes around the living room I was hooked!!!

I was off to the races!!

(I'm sure most of us have pictures just like this! I know my own mother used to push me around the house just like this!)

My favorite toy is a ...

REMOTE CONTROL! Kyle Bear and I love to chew on them.

Look what I can do!

Only took me 7 months to discover that.... I HAVE FEET!

Say what??!!??

Today I had to go to the neurologist. My pediatrician said my head was too big!! ( Can you see the look on my face?) I wanted to say "Hey Doc, check out my Mommy's head!" Mommy took me anyways. Turns out my Mommy's head is also in the 95%, just genetic. They are sending me for an MRI soon, just to make sure. I'll have Mommy update after we go.

Rylan and I

My friend Rylan comes over every week. This week was Halloween and our Mommies let us spend the morning in our Halloween pjs. Aren't we cute??

Halloween Story Time

Mommy and I enjoy story time at the local library every week!! This week my teacher said I could wear my costume. Mommy was so excited to get me dressed up. All my friends were dressed up too. I was a horse, and my friend Rylan was a lion. Rylan slept through the whole thing, not me, I had too much fun!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Many have been asking...

Nope, not crawling yet. This is about as close as we get.
1. Mommy puts me on all fours.
2. I turn and smile.
3. I fall down :)
(Pictures from 1 month ago, but that's still what it looks like)

Pumpkin Patch

Jeremy and I were so excited to take Jackson to his very first pumpkin patch. We made plans to travel to Marble Falls to Sweet Berry Farms, but when we found out that would be a hour and a half drive each way, we canceled those plans and went down the street to a local church. We had a lot of fun taking pictures. Too bad the pumpkins we bought there were spoiled the next day!!

Here are a few pics of Jackson. He couldn't quite figure out why Mommy and Daddy were so excited about the yard full of orange balls!